So Gay 5K 2021

Durham, NC

Campaign Information


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I'm a team member of: Witty Willotts
I am participating in the So Gay 5K 2021 virtual race not just to have fun, but to show my support for LGBTQIA+ youth autonomy and liberation by raising awareness and funds for iNSIDEoUT180. Would you like to join me in this awesome cause and complete your own virtual 5K? Click here and register! Not up to a 5K? That's cool... sponsor mine! 100% of proceeds will go directly to iNSIDEoUT180!

iNSIDEoUT Graphic.png


iNSIDEoUT is a youth-led network of safer spaces, resources, and opportunities for LGBTQ+ youth to unite and organize. We elevate and celebrate the voices and knowledge of LGBTQ+ youth from all backgrounds as forces for justice, liberation, and the eradication of all systems of oppression! 


We seek to create a safer space for all LGBTQ+ youth, both near and far. We work to connect Gay-/Queer-Straight Alliances with one another to strengthen our community. Throughout the year we host multiple events to help people feel accepted and supported for who they are.

We Believe

A grassroots, youth-run structure is essential for harnessing the exponential power of youth organizing.


My Contributors

Katherine Whaley $32.23
Trust Guard Security Scanned